Muscle Pain From Fitness Trackers: What You Should Know

Muscle Pain From Fitness Trackers: What You Should Know

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Fitness trackers have become incredibly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They offer an easy way to track your progress, motivate you to stay active, and provide a good structure for your workout routine. But, as with any new fitness tool, there are risks and potential hurts associated with using fitness trackers. One of the biggest concerns revolves around muscle pain—so if you’re experiencing any aches and pains, you may be wondering what it could be from. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at muscle pain from fitness trackers and what you should know.

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1. What Are Fitness Trackers?

1. What Are Fitness Trackers?

Fitness trackers or activity trackers are devices that you wear while you exercise to track your activity. They’re designed to help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals. They work by measuring your activity levels, sleep patterns, and other data.

Fitness trackers come in all shapes and sizes. Most are designed to fit comfortably on your wrist, while others can be worn on your ankles, stuck to your clothing, or even stowed away in a pocket or armband.

What a Fitness Tracker Does
A fitness tracker typically captures your daily activity levels and some basic information. Here are some of the basic features:

  • Pedometer: Tracks your steps to provide you with an overview of your daily activity level.
  • Calorie Counter: Tracks the number of calories you burn during exercise.
  • Sleep Tracking: Analyzes your sleeping patterns to make sure you’re getting the rest you need.
  • Tracking Software: Connects to a mobile or web app that allows you to review and analyze your data.

These features will vary by model, but for most people a basic fitness tracker will provide the information they need to stay on track.

2. How Do Fitness Trackers Lead to Muscle Pain?

2. How Do Fitness Trackers Lead to Muscle Pain?

The Connection Between Fitness Trackers and Muscle Pain

Today, many people use fitness trackers in an attempt to become healthier and fitter. But, unfortunately, this technology can sometimes lead to discomfort. Let’s explore the connection between fitness trackers and muscle pain, and how you can mitigate it.

Overdoing It

One of the main sources of muscle strain from fitness trackers is overtraining. Many fitness trackers can be programmed to set specific goals and periods of time in which to achieve them. This is beneficial for staying on track with a fitness routine, but sometimes people can mistakenly take on too much at once.

Take, for example, a person who suddenly ups their running miles from 5 to 10 per day without gradually ramping up. This is difficult for many people’s bodies and can result in delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It can take up to 24 to 72 hours after an intense workout for the pain and stiffness to kick in, making it difficult to know the cause of the discomfort.

Not Understanding Your Level of Fitness

Another factor in muscle strain from fitness trackers is not understanding your level of fitness. It’s important to remember that everyone has different fitness levels and everyone’s bodies are capable of different amounts of activity.

For example, someone who is new to running or hasn’t done it in a while should start with a walk/run routine or low mileage runs. As they become more comfortable with the activity, they can increase their mileage or frequency of running. It’s important to ease into running with shorter, more achievable goals.

Other Causes and Solutions

While overtraining and not accounting for your individual fitness is a common cause of muscle strain, there are a few other potential sources that may be causing discomfort while exercising.

  • Wearing the wrong type of shoes: Wearing a pair of shoes that are too stiff or lack cushioning can place extra strain on the muscles.
  • Not warming up properly: Engaging in a workout without doing a proper warmup can result in more wear and tear on the muscles.
  • Improper technique: If you’re not sure how to use certain fitness equipment, you can strain and tear muscles if you use it incorrectly.

The best way to avoid discomfort while exercising with a fitness tracker is to understand what level of fitness you currently have, ensure you warm up properly, wear proper gear and shoes, and gradually increase any goals over time. This will help to ensure that you remain healthy and injury-free.

3. What Precautions Should You Take Before Wearing a Fitness Tracker?

1. Refer to the User Manual

It is important to carefully read the user manual that comes with your fitness tracker. The manual will give you essential information on how to use the device and appropriate precautions to take. It will provide instruction on how to wear the fitness tracker on the wrist and how to pair it with a smartphone or computer.

2. Ensure Compatibility with Devices

Your fitness tracker should be compatible with your phone’s operating system and compatible with your operating system. Consulting the user manual is generally the easiest way to check compatibility. It would also be wise to check the device’s website for the requirements of the fitness tracker before making your purchase.

3. Consider your Fitness Needs

Think carefully about what you’d like to achieve with your fitness tracker. Depending on what type of fitness you desire to perform, you might need a specific model or one with certain features. For example, if you plan on swimming with your fitness tracker, you will need to make sure it’s waterproof.

4. Check User Reviews

Do some research before investing in a fitness tracker. Read user reviews written by those who have purchased the same model as the one you are considering. These reviews will offer valuable insights into the device’s features and drawbacks, helping you determine whether or not it’s the right choice.

4. What Are the Most Common Causes of Muscle Pain from Fitness Trackers?


Overtraining is one of the most common causes of muscle pain due to fitness trackers. It’s easy to become overzealous with tracking your activity and increasing workouts without taking the necessary breaks. Short-term fatigue may lead to increased soreness and pain, while long-term overuse can even cause serious muscle damage.


Fitness trackers can be great for helping you stay on track with your new exercise routine, but they may not take into account the importance of hydration. Not properly hydrating before, during, or after exercise can cause you to become dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue which can make your muscles feel tender and sore.

Inadequate Warm-Up or Cool-Down

Not taking the time to properly stretch before and after a workout can cause muscle pain. Without stretching, the muscles are more likely to become tight and uncomfortable. Additionally, it’s important to warm up your muscles before beginning an intense workout to avoid pulling a muscle or straining your muscles from overuse.


If your body isn’t flexible, it can make it difficult to properly engage in certain exercises. Instead of properly executing the workout, you could be using muscles incorrectly. If you’re not flexible, you may end up straining your muscles, or even worse, injuring them. When flexibility is lacking, a fitness tracker may actually increase muscle pain instead of helping to prevent it.

5. What Are the Symptoms of Muscle Pain From Fitness Trackers?

Muscle soreness is one of the most common symptoms of muscle pain from fitness trackers. It can range from a mild feeling of discomfort after a workout session to severe pain that lasts for days afterwards. In order to prevent and manage muscle soreness, it’s important to know the signs to look out for:

  • Pain when the muscles are used
  • Tenderness in the muscles
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Swelling or stiffness

If you’ve recently been using a fitness tracker and find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best to take a break from the device and take a few days to recover. You should consider getting a massage to help promote blood circulation or applying heat to the affected area.

Taking rest days is important to allow your body to heal and recover. Over-training can lead to further strain on the muscles and can put you at risk of injury. Therefore it’s important to take at least one day off a week and engage in low-impact activities such as swimming or yoga.

If your muscle pain persists, it may be wise to visit a doctor or a physiotherapist for more advice and to rule out any underlying medical conditions. A medical professional will be able to diagnose your pain accurately and provide you with the most suitable treatment plan for your needs.

6. How Can You Treat Muscle Pain Caused by Fitness Trackers?

1. Have a Massage

The first way to help reduce muscle soreness caused by fitness trackers is to have a massage. Massage therapy can promote circulation, reduce tension and help the muscles to relax. It is a great way to provide relief and aid in recovery. Be sure to look for a certified massage therapist and identify which type of massage would be best for relieving muscle pain.

2. Take Pain Medication

For persistent and uncomfortable pain, you may need to take medication in order to soothe your muscles. Talk to your doctor about the best course of treatment for your muscle pain. There are several types of medications available for muscle pain, and your doctor can help you choose the one that is right for you.

3. Apply Heat or Cold Treatment

Heat and cold treatments can be quite effective in relieving muscle pain. Heat can help with pain and stiffness, as well as promote circulation. Cold treatments can reduce inflammation and numb the area. Keep in mind that both heat and cold treatments should be applied in short bursts rather than extended periods of time.

4. Exercise and Stretch

Regular exercise and stretching are important for maintaining muscle health and relieving muscle pain. Focus on targeting the muscles that are causing the pain, and incorporate exercises and stretches into your regimen. Do not overdo it or push yourself too hard. Start slowly and increase intensity gradually as your muscles gain strength.

You Ask, I answer

Q: What causes muscle pain from fitness trackers?

A: Muscle pain from fitness trackers can often occur due to incorrect use. If a user over-exerts themselves while using the tracker, or wears it too tightly around the arm or wrist, this can cause soreness. Additionally, if a user chooses settings that are too difficult for their current fitness level, this can lead to muscle fatigue and soreness.

Q: How can I prevent muscle pain from fitness trackers?

A: To reduce the risk of muscle pain, ensure that your tracker fits comfortably around your arm or wrist. Remember that you should take it off when showering, swimming, or sleeping. Additionally, avoid overextending yourself and start out with more moderate goals and settings. If you do notice signs of muscle pain, take a break and consult a healthcare professional for further advice.

Getting to the bottom of muscle pain caused by fitness trackers can be tricky, but it is important to listen to your body and be mindful when using them. With the right research and information, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your fitness tracker safely. Don’t be afraid to take a break or switch up your activity if you’re feeling pain or discomfort. Remember – being informed and paying attention to how you feel are the keys to avoiding the pain associated with fitness trackers.

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