Fitness Influencers and their ‘Fit’ Salary

Fitness Influencers and their ‘Fit’ Salary

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Do you ever scroll through Instagram and feel a twinge of envy when you see lycra-clad gym bunnies lovingly promoting their favourite #superfood smoothies and fitness app subscriptions? From Joe Wicks to Kayla Itsines, fitness influencers are taking the social media world by storm – and they’re also making some serious cash. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at fitness influencers and their ‘fit’ salaries.

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1. What is the Salary of Fitness Influencers?

1. What is the Salary of Fitness Influencers?

As a fitness influencer, you have the potential to make a good salary. You may be wondering exactly how much you can make as a fitness influencer.


Fitness influencers can make money in several different ways. The most common are brand sponsorships, product sales, event appearances, and social media ads. Generally, sponsorships are the most profitable method of income. They can pay anywhere from $10,000 – $50,000, depending on the influencer’s following and their network.

Social Media Ads

  1. Instagram posts that include a brand or product tie-in usually pay from $1,000 to $10,000.
  2. Paid YouTube videos usually pay in the range of $2,000 to $30,000
  3. A single Tweet promoting a brand or product may pay up to $2,000.

Product Sales

Fitness influencers can also make money by selling their own fitness products or services. Some popular items include apparel, supplements, workout programs, and online classes. The amount of money made will depend on the demand for the product and the influencer’s marketing skill.

2. How Do Fitness Influencers Make Money?

2. How Do Fitness Influencers Make Money?

Sponsorship Opportunities

Fitness influencers are constantly approached by lifestyle brands, food companies, fitness equipment manufacturers, and other relevant businesses who want them to feature their products and services in their content. This is often in the form of brand deals which pays the influencer a flat sum for a certain amount of posts or content featuring the sponsored product.

Affiliate Links

Fitness influencers can also make money by posting affiliate links. When their followers buy product that’s recommended by the influencer, they will receive a commission from the company for each sale they make.

Video and Podcast Advertisement

If an influencer has a YouTube channel or podcast, they can generate revenue by allowing advertisements to be placed within their videos or podcasts. They are usually paid based on the number of views or listens, and the amount of ad time.

Creative Services

Fitness Influencers can also offer personal training, diet plans, and nutritional advice to their followers. For this, they usually charge a fee based on the type of service. They can also supplement their income by selling fitness and nutrition related products such as meal plans, e-books, and workout plans.

3. Determining Factors of a Fitness Influencer’s Salary

If you’ve ever wondered how much fitness influencers earn, the answer is not so simple. It’s highly dependent on a number of factors such as:

  • Reach: Influencers with larger audiences on social media (Instagram, YouTube, etc.) can typically charge higher rates for their influencer campaigns.
  • Engagement: Follower engagement also has a huge effect on an influencer’s ability to earn. A large number of inactive followers might not be able to generate the same attention as an influencer who has fewer active followers.
  • Estimated Value: This largely involves the influencer’s ability to reach a specific target audience. The brand or advertiser has a budget per campaign and has to weigh their options on which influencer will give the highest return on investment.
  • Audience Quality: Some brands care more about the quality of Followers an influencer has than the size of their following. As a result, a fitness influencer with engaged, relevant followers is often able to negotiate higher rates.

These factors can also play into a fitness influencers ability to land brand deals. Depending on the size of the deal, an influencer can expect to make anywhere from a few hundred dollars per collaboration to tens of thousands for extended campaigns.

Aside from the deals they cut directly with clients, fitness influencers are also able to leverage their large following for affiliate deals. Affiliates are companies that offer compensation for each follower who clicks a link and makes a purchase through the influencers channel.

Armed with these different earning strategies, a successful fitness influencer can expect to make six figures or more per year. The more established influencers typically make much more than that. Ultimately, the sky is the limit for fitness influencers in terms of how much they can make.

4. Understanding How Social Media Impacts Fitness Influencers’ Salaries

The Benefits of Being a Fitness Influencer

When it comes to fitness, social media influencers play a big part in increasing brand awareness, as well as promoting and selling products and services. Being a fitness influencer can often times mean having access to the latest products in fashion, getting exclusive discounts to products, as well as having the ability to travel and collaborate with other fitness influencers. Additionally, fitness influencers also often benefit from social media exposure, such as increased followers and fan base, as well as getting better deals from other brands.

How Social Media Impact Fitness Influencers’ Salaries

Social media can have a big influence on a fitness influencer’s salary. Not only do influencers need to maintain a strong presence on multiple platforms, but they also need to consistently produce new content, interactions with followers, and collaborations with other influencers. The more followers an influencer has, the greater the potential for them to bring in bigger salaries. Also, the influencer’s engagement and ability to drive sales through promotions or collaborations play a part in their salary.

Best Practices To Increase Earnings

There are several best practices that fitness influencers should consider to increase their earnings. To start, they should focus on creating informative and engaging content that resonates with their followers. In addition, they should engage with their followers on a regular basis, build relationships with organizations, brands, and other influencers, and find ways to capitalize on their existing relationships. Lastly, they should make sure to track their analytics and use such data to see how their posts are performing and how they can increase their effectiveness.

Sponsorship And Advertising Deals

A great way to make money as a fitness influencer is through sponsorship and advertising deals. Influencers can leverage their following and partner with brands and companies to help promote their products or services. This could come in the form of sponsored posts, product placement, or even attending events as a spokesperson for the brand. Additionally, these opportunities often come with a monetary reward, so it’s important for fitness influencers to look out for potential opportunities or partners and establish mutually beneficial relationships.

5. Some of the Top Fitness Influencers and Their Earnings

1. Joe Wicks

Joe Wicks, also known as “The Body Coach”, is one of the most popular fitness influencers of all time. He has gained widespread fame for his high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts and related videos on social media. His online fitness programs and workout sessions have been hugely successful and have earned him an estimated earning of £14 million in 2020.

2. Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines is an Australian personal trainer and social media influencer with over 11.2 million followers on Instagram. She is best known for her “Bikini body” guides, which are followed and used by millions of people all over the world. Her fitness empire is estimated to bring her more than £62 million in 2020.

3. Michelle Lewin

Michelle Lewin is a Venezuelan model, bikini athlete, bodybuilder and Instagram superstar. She has more than 13.8 million followers on the platform. In addition to her fitness posts, she also runs her own website which offers fitness and well-being advice. Her estimated annual earnings in 2020 are $7.5 million.

4. Tattooed Momm

Tattooed Momm, also known as Kayla Ballard, is a model, bodybuilder and health and fitness influencer with over 2.8 million Instagram followers. She has become an advocate of healthy living and an inspirational figure for millions of her Instagram followers around the world. She is estimated to have earned ­$10 million in 2020.

6. Tips for Aspiring Fitness Influencers to Earn a ‘Fit’ Salary

1. Take Time to Grow Your Following: It takes time to build a good following and this can sometimes be a slow and laborious job, but it can certainly pay off in the end if you stick with it. Growing your following on various platforms including Instagram and YouTube will give you a larger reach and the more active you are, the better chance you have of increasing your engagement and improving your chance of monetising your profiles.

2. Build Your Expertise: It’s important to stay knowledgeable and up to date on all things fitness related. Make sure you are consistent in producing content that is high quality and informative. Taking time to do research and develop your own unique style is a great way to stand out and make sure your content is engaging to your audience.

3. Consider Sponsorship: Building a good relationship with the companies that you use for your fitness regimen or dieting practices can be a great way to get additional exposure and monetise your influence. Writing blog posts, creating sponsored social media posts and even partnering with products can be beneficial if done strategically.

4. Diversify Your Income: There are a number of different ways to monetise your influence and it’s wise to explore all the ways available. Offering online coaching and merchandise are two great strategies for extra income, as well as gaining commissions from affiliate links, offering consulting services or consulting fees and any other creative services you come up with.

You Ask, I answer

Q: What is a fitness influencer?
A: A fitness influencer is a person who uses their social media presence to promote fitness-related products and services. These influencers usually have a large following of people who listen to and purchase their advice, helping them build a brand and launch a successful fitness-focused career.

Q: How do fitness influencers make an income?
A: Fitness influencers make money from a variety of sources, including brand deals, sponsored posts, and affiliate commissions. They may also provide services such as one-on-one personal training, video content, and speaking engagements.

Q: How much money do fitness influencers make?
A: The amount of money a fitness influencer makes depends heavily on the number of followers they have and how much engagement they get on their posts. Generally speaking, it is not uncommon for more popular fitness influencers to make anywhere between a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Fitness influencers have become an increasingly popular trend, as more and more people are turning to fitness influencers for fitness advice and inspiration. While the salary of these influencers may seem hard to imagine, the truth is that they are making a considerable income from their online presence. This fitness trend is here to stay, as fitness influencers continue to shape the fitness industry and inspire others towards a healthier lifestyle.

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